Travel Advances

1. Purpose. This Order provides guidance for the issuance and management of travel advances. The GSA SmartPay® travel card provides a means of funding travel advances through ATM withdrawals so that travelers do not need to separately request travel advances or use personal funds to travel on official business. However, when an employee or expense is exempt from travel card use or due to a regulatory exception or extenuating circumstances, an advance of funds may be authorized to perform official travel.

2. Scope and Applicability. This directive provides standards, instructions and procedures governing the management, authorization, issuance, repayment, and collection of travel advances. The provisions apply to all GSA employees. This order applies to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) to the extent that the OIG determines it is consistent with the OIG’s independent authority under the Inspector General Act and does not conflict with other OIG policies or the OIG mission. This policy applies to the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (CBCA) only to the extent that the CBCA determines it is consistent with the CBCA’s independent authority under the Contract Disputes Act and does not conflict with other CBCA policies or the CBCA mission.

3. Cancellation. This directive cancels and supersedes OAS 5735.1, Travel Advances.

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