Paper Forms
1 . but if you'd prefer to use the paper forms, you can still access them. However, please note that many authorities are working remotely and managing high volumes of applications. For these reasons, many are steering applicants to submit their applications online. If you still wish to submit an application to your authority by post or email, there will likely be a delay in your local authority processing it compared to submitting it online
Paper Form Chooser: Select and download PDF forms ( )
This tool will ask you to select the relevant Local Planning Authority or the location of your development. It can also provide assistance in selecting the correct type of form if required. In addition to a printable PDF application form, you will be provided with links to a guidance note, and question-by-question help text.
Application types not currently available on our online system or paper form chooser
- Application for Permission in Principle
- Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Works to a listed building
- Planning application for development relating to the onshore extraction of oil and gas
- Application for Prior Approval of a proposed: Temporary recreational campsite in Flood Zone 2 or Flood Zone 3
- Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Installation or alteration of solar equipment on domestic premises
- Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Installation or alteration etc of stand-alone solar equipment on domestic premises
- Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Installation or alteration etc of stand-alone solar equipment on non-domestic premises
- Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Installation etc of a solar canopy on non-domestic, off-street parking
Application types not currently available from the Planning Portal
If you wish to apply for the following, please contact your local planning authority or check their website for details.
- Application for modification of conditions relating to construction working hours
- Application for additional environmental approval to extend the duration of a planning permission
- Planning permission for mineral extraction or associated development
- Modification or discharge of a Section 106 planning obligation
- Prior approval applications for: Toll road facilities ( Part 9 - Class D
2 ); Mining and mineral exploration ( Part 17 – Class B, C, D, F, G
3 ); Miscellaneous development ( Part 18 - Class A
Please note: The forms should be saved to your device (using the 'save as' function) and then completed. If you do not save a version before entering text, the text will not be saved correctly. You can complete the form using the free Adobe Reader desktop software
2 or full Adobe Acrobat software. Many internet browsers and other software can be used to view PDF format files, but we cannot guarantee their compatibility or functionality in regard to these forms.
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