Economic Partnership Agreements are intensive alliances, signed by two or more countries, that provide for reciprocal economic integration and participation. The agreements have proven to be quite popular around the world in the beginning of the 21st century, with nations in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Pacific region all joining forces to survive and compete in today's turbulent international economic environment.
The agreements provide a framework for cooperation rather than competition among geographically distant economies. An agreement between a stronger economy and a weaker economy is designed to stimulate economic development in the weaker nation while providing real benefits to the stronger as well. They serve to maintain peace between nations in diverse areas of the world, and to increase the standard of living for families in lesser developed nations.
Advertisement Article continues below this adFree trade agreements, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement provide for tariff-free trade of goods and services between nations, as well as eliminating other barriers to trade. Economic Partnership Agreements include the same provisions as a free trade agreement, but they go beyond FTAs in scope. In addition to free trade, EPAs provide for the free movement of people in addition to including provisions for government procurement, international competition and cooperation, customs procedures and international dispute resolution.
Proponents of economic partnership agreements argue that the arrangement benefit all parties equally in the long run. By eliminating barriers to trade and movement of people, each economy in the agreement can take advantage of market opportunities in the others. Economic partnerships can strengthen political ties in addition to economic connections, providing solid allies in times of political upheaval or military action.
Advertisement Article continues below this adOpponents of Economic Partnership Agreements argue that the agreements can benefit more developed countries more than their lesser-developed partners. Stronger economies may be more prepared to take advantage of their weaker partners, creating an inequality of benefits. According to, economic partnership agreements must provide for reciprocity in order to qualify under World Trade Organization rules. This means that each action taken to benefit a particular economy must be reciprocated by that economy, in theory causing an equal amount of benefits to accrue to each country.
Negotiations for Economic Partnership Agreements can take years to finalize. The agreements go into detail about a wide range of issues, all of which must be balanced to provide benefits to all parties. An agreement can be less challenging to reach between nations that have a solid history of trade and cooperation, as was the case with the Economic Partnership Agreements signed by the European Union and the Asian, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States in 2007.