The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 is a law passed by the Scottish Parliament to improve support for unpaid carers in Scotland. The Act recognises the important contribution of carers and aims to ensure that they are better supported in their caring role.
The Act requires local authorities – councils – to ensure carers have access to information and advice services, and to offer carers an Adult Carer Support Plan or Young Carer Statement, which can highlight any support needs they may have. A break from caring must be considered as part of these support needs.
The Act also expects local authorities to involve carers in decisions that affect them and to be aware of their views in the planning, design and delivery of support services, which could include short breaks services.
Overall, the Act was brought in by the Scottish Parliament to help improve the lives of carers in Scotland and allow them to continue to care with confidence and with the support they need.
A company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland SC161033.
Registered charity SC005315
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Izatt Avenue,
Dunfermline, Fife
KY11 3BZ