Okta Lifecycle Management provisioning features automate account management for your org. The System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) specification is used to perform provisioning actions between Okta and cloud-based or on-premises apps.
Configure Okta and select the attributes that you want to sync with external apps. User profiles are then automatically updated when changes are detected.
You can use a pre-built Okta Integration Network ( OIN ) app integration, or set up your own custom API connection, to provision users between Okta and cloud-based applications.
Understand cloud provisioning concepts, components, and architecture
Learn how to set up provisioning in your Okta environment and assign apps to users
Explore common user administration tasks and troubleshooting
You can use on-premises provisioning to provision users between Okta and applications that are installed behind your corporate firewall. You can use Active Directory or web services APIs to manage application user accounts.
Understand on-premises provisioning architecture and prerequisites
Learn how to deploy Okta on-premises provisioning
Create and test the SCIM connectors needed for on-premises provisioning
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