Excise Tax - Sell/Transfer Property

***Please note that it can take 10-20 minutes per document to process an excise transaction.
Our office currently operates on a first come, first served basis so please check with a Staff Member
regarding the wait times.***

Any time real property or a mobile home changes hands an affidavit completed through the Treasurer's office is required. A Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit, along with a conveyance document (deed), must be presented to the Treasurer's office for processing and collection of tax or fees due within 30 days of the sale/dated document. This is done prior to presenting that conveyance document to the Auditor's office for recording. The excise tax due will be based on a percentage of the property sale price plus a $5.00 transaction processing fee. Follow the below link to the DOR excise page to see the graduated tax rates and samples.

Each Real Estate Excise Tax transaction processed by the Treasurer's Office is sent to and reviewed by the Washington Department of Revenue. The DOR will contact you directly if any questions or discrepancies are found by their office.

Forms Needed to Process a REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX Transaction:
*** All Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavits must be printed on
8-1/2" x 14" legal size paper - NO EXCEPTIONS ! ***

Be sure to click the drop-down arrow and choose the form specifically for your transaction.

EXEMPTIONS: A transfer may be exempt from paying the real estate excise tax, but the proper Washington Administrative Code (WAC) must be cited on the affidavit. A minimum fee of $10 will be charged on every affidavit presented to the Treasurer's office.

To access these Washington State Statutes, Click Here.

Please select the WAC code that most closely identifies with your situation and then by clicking on the individual links please read through the requirements and documentation required BEFORE submitting your affidavit(s).

You may be required to fill out the supplement affidavit (link above) to obtain the exemption.

Sold/Bought a Mobile/Manufactured Home?

Sending your signed title to the Department of Licensing will not change the ownership of the home. Every manufactured/mobile home sale must have the accompanying "Mobile Home Real Estate Tax Affidavit" completed along with the signed title, and brought to the Treasurer's office to pay the excise tax. All property taxes must be paid in full before the transfer can occur.